Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said on Friday that the airlines should use ‘restraining devices’ against unruly passengers. The aviation regulator said in a statement that airline staff will face action if they fail to act against passengers who are unruly or behave inappropriately. The statement from DGCA has come in the wake of widespread outrage over urinating incidents that took place recently on Air India flights.
The aviation regulator said the pilot in command is responsible for assessing a situation and relay information to the airline’s central control on the ground for further action.
“Upon landing of the aircraft, airline representative shall lodge FIR with the concerned security agency at aerodrome, to whom, the unruly passenger shall be handed over,” the statement said.
“In the recent past, DGCA has noticed a few incidents of unruly behaviour and inappropriate conduct by the passengers on board the aircraft during flight, wherein it is observed that post holders, pilots and cabin crew members have failed to take appropriate actions,” the regulator said.
The avaiation regulator further said that non-action/ inappropriate action/ omission by the airlines towards such untoward incidents has tarnished the image of air travel in different segments of society. “Any non-compliance towards applicable regulations shall be dealt strictly and invite enforcement action,” it added.
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