The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Wednesday announced the ‘Rest of India’ squad that will take on 2019-20 Ranji Trophy champions Saurashtra in the Irani Cup from October 1-5. The Irani Cup is returning after three years, with the prestigious competition dropped from the domestic schedule due to the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020. India batter Hanuma Vihahi will lead Rest of India, while another India international, Mayank Agarwal, has also been picked in the squad. Yash Dhull, who led India to the 2022 U-19 World Cup trophy, has also been selected along with young pace sensation Umran Malik.
Apart from Vihari, Mayank and Dhull, the other batters picked are domestic stalwarts Priyank Panchal and Abhimanyu Easwaran, as well as Sarfaraz Khan, who has been racking up runs for fun in the Ranji Trophy.
Yashasvi Jaiswal, who recently racked up a double-century for West Zone in the Duleep Trophy final, has also been included in the squad.
KS Bharat is set to keep wickets, with fellow gloveman Upendra Yadav also in the squad.
Jayant Yadav, Saurabh Kumar and R Sai Kishore comprise the spin department for Rest of India, whole the pace attack includes Umran Malik, Mukesh Kumar, Kuldeep Sen and Arzan Nagwaswalla.
The Irani Cup match will be played at the Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium in Rajkot.
This year’s domestic calendar has two editions of the Irani Cup, with the second seeing Rest of India taking on defending Ranji Trophy champions Madhya Pradesh.
ROI squad: Hanuma Vihari (Captain), Mayank Agarwal, Priyank Panchal, Abhimanyu Easwaran, Yash Dhull, Sarfaraaz Khan, Yashasvi Jaiswal, K.S.Bharat, Upendra Yadav, Jayant Yadav, Saurabh Kumar, R Sai Kishore, Mukesh Kumar, Umran Malik, Kuldeep Sen, Arzan Nagwaswalla
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